Using a clean install of Windows 8 x64, I've been noticing an unusual behaviour recently: 100% disk usage at random times for varying periods.
This meant that everything would become completely unresponsive!
The culprit turned out to be the Windows Update background service. While installing updates in the background the disk usage would spike up to 100%.
The only way around is to change the option in Windows Update to download the updates, notify you, and then let you install the updates when you want to.
I tell windows to install the updates when I'm not going to be using the laptop for a while or at night before shutting it down. No more random disk usage spikes while I'm trying to work!
The issue can also arise from a failed process in a Hyper-V machine running in the background. Rather than showing it as it's own process, Windows simply encapsulates it under System (which can cause confusion).
The issue can also arise from a failed process in a Hyper-V machine running in the background. Rather than showing it as it's own process, Windows simply encapsulates it under System (which can cause confusion).
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