The interface takes a bit getting used to, with the wasted space and their non-contrasting color scheme.
I would prefer to have:
- the unread count stand out more
- categories disappear after I've read all items within (this only happens at full page refresh)
- it let me scroll through items instead of automatically scrolling to next "page"
- feeds outside a folder
- it not let me accidentally click through to another site by making images clickable
- better sharing to Google+ (instead of the crippled item with a link through feedly)
Also, there's a bug in their "keep unread" counter.
But they have a semi-decent android app, support from, and they're fast.
As of 31 July, 2013, here's what didn't make the cut:
* Digg Reader
I really wanted this one to work, but they haven't had time to get their shit together well enough.
The biggest issue is marking/unmarking items as read:
- When scanning through, items don't get marked as read so I keep seeing items I've already read through
- This means no marking as unread either
- There are also no unread counts
* The Old Reader
This is pretty much exactly what I want!
The only downside is that it is SLOW
* Hive Reader
Same deal as The Old Reader