Wednesday, December 23, 2015

uTorrent WebUI causing high CPU usage

After upgrading to the latest version of utorrent (3.4.5), I noticed a big spike in CPU usage and unresponsive desktop GUI when uTorrent AutoLabeller (uAL) was on.

When I turned it off, the desktop client became responsive again when I closed uTorrent Autolabeller, and the CPU usage went down as well.

After fiddling around for a bit, I realized this only really becomes an issue if the uAL is monitoring uTorrent to stop/remove completed torrents.
Changing that setting to "N" fixed the issue.

* In order to remove torrents automatically, I have it set to run a script after the torrent finishes.
uTorrent > Options > Preferences > Advanced > Run after torrent finishes.
This causes a high CPU usage as it accesses the same WebUI url but it's for a brief period in time till the script finishes running.

The issue seems to be with WebUI.